
Join my special membership on Patreon

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a way to join your favorite creator's community and pay them for making the stuff you love. You become a bonafide, real-life patron of the arts. That’s right, Imagine yourself, in a long frilly white wig, painted on a 10-foot canvas on the wall of a Victorian mansion!!.

And imagine your favorite creators making a living doing what they do best… because of you.

There are different tiers with different rewards, a magic support tier, a seasonal zine tier, a circle of witches zine tier, penpals and a Wild Creative Woman membership.

By signing up and becoming a Patreon, it helps me to establish a steady income which as a freelancer is like gold not only that, your subscription will also help all the other amazing people who need that little bit of extra support as I can offer more free workshops and tutorials and one to one help too.

Spread the Word

I know you will gain a lot from the rewards and behind the scenes videos and exclusive blog and you can also have that special feeling in your heart, that you, are making a difference too!

So if you have a friend who might like what I do, please send them my link - www.patreon.com/Dotty_Delightful

Did you know I am on YouTube?

I post about life, nature, art, holidays and exploring, foraging, natural living and any random thoughts.

Watch me here